Friday, 6 February 2009

Making hay while it snows

This year we have been hit by some pretty heavy snow and it has been treated as a bad news story. But the guys at Mind the Curb: had a big idea. They focus on ethical low impact advertising, which is often in the form of pressure hose cleaning logos and artwork on the streets. But with the forecast of heavy snow, they came up with a great idea of using blocks to imprint logos in the snow. This fitted in well with all their core values and allowed them to turn the weather into an asset. A good relationship with a client allowed them to turn this into a billing opportunity. Apparently they made 3,500 imprints, some of which might not have lasted very long. But the word of mouth and press of those which did got a much wider coverage. In an age when people preserve graffiti from such artists as Banksy by cutting walls down and dismantling shutters, you have to wonder whether someone has one of these in their freezer, waiting till Charlie Saatchi is ready to buy... This id a great example of using your assets and thinking clever, you have things out there that are assets that you probably dont treat as such, what are yours?

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