Friday, 6 February 2009

Draw anything for $2

This is a great idea from a graphic artist going by the name of: Yirmumah. Unfortunately it is so popular now that he has suspended it while he works through the back log. I saw it at the end of last summer and back then the dollar was nearly two to the pound, so it was even cheaper. I asked, not surprisingly for a picture of a Big Idea and here it is. But all of that aside, why is it a big idea? Well this guy is drawing anything you want for $2. He says it lets him practice and due to the random nature of the subjects he gets better at drawing lots of different things. He is doing some great marketing for himself as well. By giving away quality work for next to nothing, he is getting a lot of exposure. His work is really good, so it is a great way to reach a new market who might want some work done and to sell his existing work. By reaching out to people and giving them something for free, he suddenly becomes the place to go. So I wish him well and when he starts taking orders again (and hopefully the dollar weakens a bit), the place to go is:

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