Powerpoint is great, it is however massively overused and often used badly. The programme that has sent a million people to sleep and created the phrase: 'Death by PowerPoint', might now be coming to its own resting place. Because, there is a new kid on the block: Prezi.
Prezi is an exciting new online system that takes you around a large sheet of paper, rather than flicking through slides. The smooth animation zooms in on details and takes you seamlessly from one area to another. It really is breathtaking. It also is set up for you to imbed it into blogs and web pages. Presentations just got creative again.
Millions of people will keep using PowerPoint, but I have seen the future and it’s Prezi and what’s more, it looks pretty hot.
Friday, 15 January 2010
Powerpoint is dead, long live Prezi
Thursday, 14 January 2010
Google China: Moral stand or marketing spin?
Google is hitting the headlines with its activities in China. They say they wont be shackled and are complaining about someone (The Chinese government) hacking into email accounts. But why now? Google bent over backwards and took a lot of flack when they launched in China, back in 2006, with a censored version of their search engine. But they felt it was worth it for a slice of the $1 Billion market. So why are they kicking up a fuss now? Could it be anything to do with the fact that they are struggling there? They only have about 30% of the market and are shadowed by a Chinese service: Baidu, which has over 60%. So what is the big idea here? I think that it could be a face saving way to withdraw from a market where they are not winning and don't feel they can win. It gives a solid and ethical reason to close down a failing operation and if anything improve their image for making very corporate decisions. Can the mighty Google afford to be seen as a second rate solution in any market? It might be that it is worth more to them to be seen as the best and not in that market for ethical reasons.
Monday, 11 January 2010
What's ina Name?
So what’s in a name? Quite a lot really. Modern brands make them worth millions and negative connotations can kill them. When did you last meet someone called Adolf? Over the last few weeks, I have been receiving invites from people to link up with them on Naymz It is trying to become the new Linked in. But there is a problem: there is already a Linked in and I think it is pretty good. I use linked in a fair it and have built up a good network, so why do I want to join a new one. It is unlikely I will find any new people and is it really going to be that different?
The big barrier for me is all about being a beginner. I love to ski and can get down pretty much anything, so why would I want to become a beginner to try snowboarding. It might be new (well not anymore) and trendy and better in places, but I just don’t want to go through the pain to get good when I have already got what I need. So I am saying no to Naymz, I wonder how many more will? And with the lifeblood of a new social network being people joining up and hence spreading the word, will it ever hit the critical velocity needed to make it work?
Wednesday, 6 January 2010
New ideas for a new decade
As everyone starts getting back into the swing of things, many are trying to get fit and healthy. Henry, who works here at All about the Idea has decided to combine getting fit with some work for charity and a big idea.
His big idea is to run the London Marathon this year and open up the real estate of his body to sponsors.
This allows you to buy space on his body for your message or logo. There are no fixed prices, it works on an auction basis, so the more you pay, the better the location! If you want to get your message on Henry or make him run round with some inspiring line like 'Kick me' then click here.
Henry is running for The Multiple Sclerosis Resource Centre (MSRC), a proactive and innovative charity passionately committed to supporting anyone affected by Multiple Sclerosis through access to unbiased information and advice. They encourage individuals to make choices that are appropriate to their daily lives, empowering them to maximise their potential.