Thursday, 4 June 2009

No one compares to top trumps

Top trumps: you had to be there to love them and I was. The game of comparing statistics to each other, the biggest, the heaviest, the smallest, the fastest. They spawned a huge selection of different versions from Star wars to FHM babes. I made a set of my own at one point and loved them. The world is moving on so far and it is no surprise that Google has another big idea. It is called squared and you build a square. This compares different things and in effect builds a set of top trumps. The big idea is that they show a picture and then different stats for each area, letting you compare what matters to you. You can change the stats, so on helicopters, I might be comparing price or how high they fly. Now this is fun to the amateur Top Trumps maker, but to me this is the best price comparison, product chooser engine ever. It is as always with Google really easy to use, it simply works. Have a play at It is surprisingly addictive.

Wednesday, 3 June 2009

To google, or not to Google, that is the question

With the launch of Wolfram Alpha, there has been a lot of speculation about it being a Google killer. It is a big idea, but I dont think it has a chance as it is not in the same market as Google. Want to know about Jordan Breaking up with Peter Andre, or what Britney spears got up to with a watermelon? If you do Wolfram Alpha won’t be much help. But if you want to know the cubic volume of said watermelon or how many people are divorced and how this differs by States in the USA, then it is much more useful.
But this is not a problem, as they have not set out to be a Google killer; it has been thrust upon them. I think there is a market for niche search engines that look for specific things: Take Ice Rocket This is a specialist engine that searched blogs, twitter and social media sites. This is totally different and has its place. So Google rests safe on its laurels for another day, the real Google killer will be a big idea, but I think it will be a paradigm shift rather than a better site.